Inspired by Facemash - A site that Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and CEO of Facebook, created in 2003 from his dormitory in Kirkland House at Harvard to compare girls at his university - I built the website Savagemash in a couple of hours, which contains some reasonably embarrasing pictures of me and some of my friends and lets you vote on who is more of a savage, which honestly has no real meaning.

Visit the Savagemash website here.

Watch the YouTube clip below, a scene from the movie The Social Network where Mark Zuckerberg codes the website.

You can also read The Crimson's - the daily student newspaper of Harvard University - article from november 2003 on the real event. Click Here.

I mainly created the website for fun as I was interested in the rating system - the elo rating system(Learn More) - which is commonly used to rate chess players.

I built this website using the Python framework, Django. Overall this project wasn't particularly difficult, however, I was pleased with the similarity between Facemash and Savagemash.

By Jude Molloy: Last Edited 11/08/2018